Yin Yoga Teacher Training – Philosophy & Meditation – 15.-21.4.2024. 

Sebastian Pucelle i Murielle Burellier ponovo dolaze u Zagreb i ovaj put se možete priključiti modulu posvećenom filozofiji i meditaciji. 

Teacher training je namijenjen svima, bez obzira na to jeste li yoga učitelji ili ne i jeste li prethodno sudjelovali na nekom od modula. Jedini je preduvjet da imate iskustvo yin yoge i praksu meditacije,  da vam nijedno od toga nije novo.

Teacher training će se održati u Studiju Ilica, u Ilici 61, svaki dan od ponedjeljka, 15.4. do nedjelje, 21.4. od 8 do 17 sati.

Teacher training će se održati na engleskom jeziku pa je i nastavak teksta o samom sadržaju na engleskom jeziku.


Za više pitanja o prijavama i plaćanju: info@ivanacrncic.com


Za detalje o samom sadržaju ovog edukacijskog modula: lookinside@with-yinyoga.com



Early bird: €875 do 15.2., 2024
Regularna cijena: €950

Module 3 of our Yin Yoga Teacher Training is our most evolved module.

We use Yin Yoga practice to explore and study the nature of the mind. We combine Yin Asanas, Pranayama, Dharana or Ekagrata (a single focal point of the mind) and support the practice by analyzing the sequential methodology of Sri Patanjali’s Raja Yoga.

We approach Maharishi Patanjali’s ancient Yoga Sutras by beginning with a summary of the four chapters and their meaning, underpinned by the Samkhya philosophy that defines the framework Sri.Patanjali used to write his meditation manual.

This approach will enable you to understand the foundations of yoga and its essential message as a practice aimed at eradicating suffering and achieving liberation. Although the path is long and requires a certain commitment, this text is for all practitioners, whether beginners or experienced.

The wisdom of the Yoga Sutras is luminous and a reference for all yogis, from ethics to transpersonal experiences.

It is a so-called eternal teaching (philosophia perennis) whose relevance extends over millennia to the present day.


  • Cultivate and refine your ability to concentrate by applying and maintaining a single focus

    Vitarka & Vichara or the fusion of Asanas, Pranayama and Dharana

  • Practice different meditation techniques to collect the mind

    Diaphragmatic breathing, Alternate breathing, Mindfulness of breathing “Anapanasati”

  • Progress Towards an absorption of the mind

    Developing Samatha or the practice of meditative quiescence

  • Chant the key Sutras and the Bija-Mantra Om

    Allowing us to neutralise the Citta Vrttis “fluctuation of the mind”.


  • The tattvas of the Yin practice

    Principles and qualities of practice

  • Define Ekagrata or one-pointedness of mind

    Leading your practice and teaching with one intent

  • Introduction to the Metta practice along with the study of the yoga sutras.

    A practice aiming to foster a mental state of kindness, love, and compassion

  • Discover the fusion of Asana-Pranayama-dharana

    Sequence your practice around the breath, from start to finish


  • Understanding M.Patañjali’s Raja Yoga

    Yoga Citta Vritti Nirodha exposed – The definition of yoga

  • Study the Samkhya philosophy or the metaphysical structure of the Yoga Sutras

    From Prakriti to Purusa or the ontology of consciousness

  • Study the 5 obstacles of meditation

    And how to overcome them

  • Embodying the Brahma Viharas

    The 4 Incommensurables expounded in the Yoga Sutras and Buddhism

  • Analysis and resumé of the 4 chapters of the Yoga Sutras

    Samadhi Pada – Chapter on Meditative Absorption, Sadhana Pada – Chapter on Spiritual Practices, Vibhuti Pada – Chapter on the Powers of the Mind, Kaivalya Pada – Chapter on Absolute Freedom

  • Identify the 5 afflictions that link us to suffering.

    The 5 Kleshas: Avidya, Ignorance – Asmita, Ego – Raga, Desire – Dvesa, Aversion – Abhinivesha, Desire for continuity (fear of dying).

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